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we asked our current residents some questions...

There's nothing like hearing from a someone who's living at Wright right now when trying to get a feel for what it's like to be a part of our community. That's why we asked our residents to give you an insight into what it's like to live here, and what they wish they knew before coming to Wright Hall.


Being in Wright this year has been the best decision because there have been so many opportunities for me to get involved in such a variety of things, sometimes sharing and teaching my passions with others and sometimes getting involved with other people's passions for the first time! I've been able to play Ultimate Disc and Soccer for the first time, get back into playing hockey, play in a rock band for the first time for a whole mosh of people, and even revived my dance skills from years and years ago (so overall been amazing!!) I wish I had known just how open minded and welcoming people are, because then it wouldn't have been nearly as scary and intimidating arriving for the first time and even through those first few weeks, but this is also what I think makes Wright different from other colleges--we really value inclusivity and diversity, and our community makes it a really special place to be! Absolutely everyone is welcome, and the little chats you get to have over meals or in the common rooms and corridors, the organised social events and all the interhall events make it so worth it! In terms of the actual amenities and such, I think we are so incredibly lucky to live in the building that we do, and I've found that the flexi-catering has worked perfectly for my life and uni schedule, knowing that I'm getting the best value for my money without having to worry about cooking for myself. Overall 10/10 would recommend!!! 


1st year, Queensland

What’s your year at Wright been like so far?

It’s been amazing! I was lucky to find good friends early on and since have felt very much part of the Wright community. One of my highlights has to be feeling the enthusiasm and support from our ressies when watching and playing inter-hall AFL, especially on our girls team who had limited experience but so much fun!

What makes Wright different from other ANU colleges?


Our flexi-catered system actually works quite well as you end up missing meals each week when you have sports trainings, classes during the 12-2pm lunch period or have gone out for food, for example. This means you aren’t missing already paid-for meals on a fully catered plan and you don’t feel the need to eat each meal at college.


Why come to Wright?

For me, the people. You may not feel any sense of security before you get here, but the people you come to know through inter-hall sports/arts events, wright events and just walking around the building, are so supportive. Aside from the friends you make, the SRs (senior residents), advocates and leadership members are always looking out for everyone, and genuinely so nice. Essentially after a long day, there’s nothing better than sitting down at dinner with what feels like your family away from home.


1st year, new zealand

Whats it been like

What do you wish you knew before coming to Wright?

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wish you knew

Have more questions?

We've answered some of the most common questions about living at Wright, the college experience and what it's like to study in Canberra!

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